Translation is a process which offers a range of possibilities. Just like the loose and colored bits in a kaleidoscope, paragraphs, sentences, and words can be arranged in a multitude of shapes and forms. The role of the translator is to make adequate choices among all these options and deliver a final text with a
graceful and balanced flow.
Translator’s choices are never random. What is more important than a dictionary to a translator is his ability and dedication to stay informed. The time spent reading and researching allows
translators to have knowledge of the different fields they might be asked to work in and also allows them to stay up to date with the latest changes in language and terminology in those fields. A
professional translator is in contact with a large number of people, first and foremost with his clients but also with many experts and, when in doubt, a translator can also rely on fellow
translators for advice.
If you want to figure out a text in foreign language, which has simple syntax, stabilized terminology, and contains uncomplicated ideas, you might think about using an automatic translator, even
if you know it can lead you astray. However you should be very reluctant to use it for the translation of a text intended for external use. See for yourself:
Original text in French
Bull – Architecte d’un monde ouvert
Virus, spam, déni de service, phishing... les attaques et intrusions réseau font peser une menace croissante sur votre productivité et sur la confidentialité de vos données ou celles de vos clients. Expert de certains des plus grands projets de passerelle Internet sécurisée pour les entreprises les plus sensibles, Bull vous aide à auditer vos vulnérabilités, à définir votre politique de sécurité réseau, et à mettre en place le niveau de protection adapté à vos processus métiers. Avec Bull, vous pouvez exploiter la convergence informatique-télécom en toute confiance.
Automatic translation to English
Bull – Architect of an Open World
Viruses, spam, denial of service, phishing ... network attacks and intrusions are an increasing threat to your productivity and confidentiality of your data or your clients. Expert of some of the largest projects of secure Internet gateway for companies most sensitive, Bull helps you audit your vulnerabilities, define your network security policy, and to establish the level of protection adapted to your business processes. With Bull, you can use the computer-telecom convergence with confidence.
Official translation to English
Bull – Architect of an Open World
Viruses, spam, refusals of service, phishing… potential attacks or intrusions on your network represent a significant and ever-growing threat to your productivity and the confidentiality of your or your customers’ data. Using its expertise gained on some of the world’s biggest secure Internet gateway projects, working for some of the most sensitive organizations, Bull can help you to audit your weak points, define your network security policies, and implement an appropriate level of protection for your specific business processes. With Bull, you can open up your organization to the networked world in complete confidence.