Each and every document is unique. The technical nature, goal, target audience of a text as well as the media supporting it, govern the translation process. 


I provide the following services for any type of German or English documents (press-releases, company reports, spec sheets or other…):

  • translating: rendering into French documents originally written in German or English,
  • adapting: locating cultural specificities and references of a document written in German or English in order to adjust the message to better fit a French speaking audience,

  • revising: ensuring the document translated into French is coherent and true to the original English or German document,
  • proofreading: editing syntactic, grammatical, spelling or typographic errors in a document already translated into French.

When commissioned to translate a document, I would greatly appreciate receiving any additional information you feel might be helpful. Context, references, glossary etc. can be of great assistance in achieving high quality translations.


All documents entrusted to me are kept strictly confidential.

Contact | Kaléidos Traductions





+ 33 (0)6 72 18 21 23